Texas Annular Space Grouting
The Job
This Texas annular space grouting project is located in Lockhart, Texas. It is a 42″ water pipeline for the Alliance Regional Water Authority.
The Challenge
The annular space grouting for this tunnel was specified for cellular concrete (sometimes called low density controlled low strength material). The minimum allowable compressive strength was 300psi at 28 days, when tested according to ASTM C495. The 42″ treated water pipeline was installed inside of a 60″ casing pipe.
The tunnel was approximately 460LF, and crossed under a frontage road and Texas State Highway 130, about 20 miles south of Austin.
The Solution
CJGeo proposed using onsite dry batch generation to make the cellular grout onsite. This has a few advantages over using ready mix (wet batch generation):
- purchasing cement directly from a cement plant bypasses ready mix plant’s cement allocation limits
- bulk material doesn’t go bad onsite
CJGeo used a relatively high water:cement ratio to account for temperatures of 105 degrees during the placement and generation. This helped to ensure that material did not prematurely set during placement, and allowed CJGeo to generate and place all of the 40lb/cuft CJFill-Standard cellular grout material in just three hours.
Confirmation of fill for this Texas annular space grouting project was material venting from the 12 o’clock vent on the far end of the tunnel. Pumping pressures were less than 15psi for the duration of the grouting process.
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Microtunnel Contact Grouting
The Job
This microtunnel contact grouting project is located in Clarksville, Tennessee. It is part of a new water intake structure along the Cumberland River to improve the reliability of the city’s municipal water source.
The Challenge
Based on the overcut of about an inch, and length of the 450 foot long tunnel, the contact grouting volume was approximately 50CY. In order to efficiently place the grout against the roughly 40′ of head from the river that that the tunnel terminates in, high volume, high quality mixing was required.
The tunneling contractor reached out to CJGeo to use onsite colloidal batching to generate grout quickly, safely, and without the risks of using ready mix.
The Solution
CJGeo proposed using a 0.55 water : cement ratio slurry generated onsite with colloidal mixing for the contact grout. While there were nearby ready mix plants that could have supplied the job, mixing neat grouts in transit mixer trucks typically does not uniformly wet out the cement. This can make it very difficult to pump, and typically results in highly variable mixes. Because the grout is the same as the cement slurry used for making CJFill cellular concrete, CJGeo used a cellular concrete batch plant with the foam generator turned off.
CJGeo batched and placed 50CY of slurry over about 2.5 hours to complete the microtunnel contact grouting. Placement of the grout was through 2″ ports, and the grout displaced both the lubricating bentonite slurry, and significant amounts of water. Due to the exceptionally high mobility of colloidally mixed neat cement grout, CJGeo’s crew was able to grout the entire length of the tunnel from two ports located just in from the launch shaft.
Grout communication was confirmed through lubricating ports, visual confirmation from the casing pipe drying due to heat of hydration, and divers in the river witnessing grout at the tremied bulkhead.
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Sheet Pile Joint Sealing
The Job
This sheet pile joint sealing work is part of the Thimble Shoals parallel tunnel project. The project is located between Islands 1 and 2 of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. The Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel crosses the opening of the Chesapeake Bay, connecting Norfolk/Virginia Beach and the Eastern Shore.
The Challenge
Water was leaking out of a joint in the precast splash wall adjacent to the TBM slurry separation pit. Any time it rained, precipitation landing in the slurry pit would flow out of gaps in the sheet pile wall. It then passed through the roughly 3′ of soil between the sheet pile wall and splash wall, and then out through joints in the splash wall.
The Solution
CJGeo proposed using a single component, hydrophilic chemical grout to seal the joints. Hydrophilic grout is best for this particularly repair because:
- the area is rather dynamic, so hydrophilic’s ability to flex and stretch without tearing helped to ensure longevity
- the area is constantly exposed to moisture, so dimensional stability is not a concern.
A CJGeo injection grouting crew of three people completed the sheet pile joint sealing repairs in less than a day. Some chemical grout extruded out through the joint in the splash wall. It was broken off flush with the surface and disposed of offsite.
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Nashville Annular Space Grouting
The Job
This Nashville annular space grouting project is located at Nashville’s Central WWTP, which is undergoing extensive improvements to provide service to a growing population.
The Challenge
As part of an upgrade, 400LF of 66″ pipe was slip lined. Once the carrier pipe was selected, the space around its 57.1″ OD needed to be filled.
The Solution
CJGeo proposed using CJFill-ST at 45lb/cuft for this Nashville annular space grouting project. CJFill-ST is batched onsite directly from bulk cement, eliminating supply chain issues with ready mix.
Because the selected CJFill-ST only weigh 45lb/cuft, buoyancy control of the new carrier is simple. By filling it with water, it won’t float during grouting. This allowed CJGeo to grout the entire annulus in a single lift. Single lift grouting significantly reduces the likelihood of partial fills, fouled injection tubing, or trapped voids.
A CJGeo crew placed the 87CY of CJFill-ST in less than an hour to perform this Nashville annular space grouting project. CJFill-ST can be made two ways; wet batch or dry batch. With wet batch, a ready mix truck brings the base slurry to the site, and the foam is either added to the truck, or injected downstream of a pump. For dry batch generation, which was used here, a mobile batch plant mixes the cement and water onsite. The mixing quality using dry batch is significantly better than wet batch.
This project had a relatively high compressive strength requirement due to new foundation installation adjacent to the slip lined pipe. With cellular concrete, there are two ways to increase compressive strength–increase the cement content by increasing the density, or increasing the quality of the mix. Since annular space grouting projects are very sensitive to carrier pipe buoyancy control, increasing mix quality is a better option than increasing density. CJGeo’s three mobile batch plants all use high shear colloidal mixing. Colloidally generated material can have 28 day strengths up to two times ready mix batched material at the same density & cement content.
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NY Grade Crossing Repair
The Job
10 panels of StarTrack modular grade crossing tubs settled in an urban street crossing owned by a short line. As a result of the settlement multiple clips broke. This caused the panels to pump.
The Challenge
The crossing tubs settled, and when crossed by trucks, pumped water containing the sub-ballast up between the tubs and adjacent pavement. The adjacent track also settled significantly.
The Solution
CJGeo proposed grouting immediately below the panels, and also into the underlying disturbed subballast using CJGrout 48NHL geotechnical polyurethane grout.
The CJGrout 48NHL was injected through 5/8″ holes drilled through the panels. The settlement pattern of each panel determines the specific hole spacing. It takes about five minutes for the grout to cure to 95% of its ultimate strength. After grouting, it’s important to tamp the approaches. Because the rails are clipped, lifting the panels lifts the rails & ties in the approaches. If the approaches aren’t tamped, the crossing can teeter totter, which is bad. Tamping is done immediately after grouting, and preferably before any rail traffic resumption.
CJGeo performed the StarTrack modular grade crossing repair without impacting rail traffic. The facility was able to function normally throughout the repair, which took less than a day.
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New York Tub Crossing Lifting
The Job
Eight panels of StarTrack modular grade crossing tubs settled. As a result of the settlement multiple clips broke. This tub crossing lifting project was for a short line serving an industrial facility in Geneva, New York.
The Challenge
The crossing tubs settled, and when crossed by trucks, pumped water containing the subballast up between the tubs and adjacent pavement. The crossing was the only entrance into an industrial facility that took two trains per day. Because of limited onsite storage, rail service couldn’t be disrupted at all.
The Solution
CJGeo proposed grouting immediately below the panels, and also into the underlying disturbed subballast using CJGrout 48NHL geotechnical polyurethane grout. CJGeo performed the tub crossing lifting work without impacting rail traffic, and the facility was able to function normally throughout the repair, which took less than a day.
Polyurethane grouting with CJGrout is an excellent alternative to cement based grouting, because:
- CJGrout cures within a few minutes, so there are no limitations on rail traffic
- CJGrout is not brittle, so does not break down in dynamic environments like thin layers of cement-based grout tend to do
- CJGrout application is not weather dependent; in this case, it was snowing during installation
- CJGeo controls the entire CJGrout logistics process, so there’s no need to wait on ready mix trucks or coordinate deliveries of material that goes bad within a few hours of offsite mixing
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Pit Fill With Lightweight Flowable Fill
The Job
An abandoned water treatment plant at a federal facility was being rehabilitated and brought back into service. As part of the project, lightweight flowable fill was needed to fill a 12′ deep tank below the building floor needed to be filled before installing a new floor and equipment.
The Challenge
The majority of the pit is below ground water level. The original foundation design used a 62PCF fill density for the pits, presuming they would only ever hold water.
The backfill material also needed to completely encase a number of new micropiles installed for machine bases.
The designer had two competing interests–given the closeness of the water table to finish floor, avoid any buoyancy of the fill material, while using the lightest possible material to avoid inducing any settlement.
The Solution
CJGeo proposed filling the pit with CJFill-UW, at 70lbs/cuft. At 70lb/cuft, there are no uplift concerns, and the material is just barely denser than water, which helps minimize the amount of anticipated settlement. To help ensure future excavatability, CJGeo used a sanded base slurry (as opposed to the usual neat mix slurry) to generate 830CY of lightweight flowable fill material. The 28 day design strength was 150psi. The average 28 day tested compressive strength was 200psi. The removability modulus of the material is 0.75, which means the material is readily excavatable.
Traditional “lightweight” flowable fill is closer to 95lb/cuft. At 150psi, 95lb/cuft material has a removability modulus of 1.18. This is above ACI’s benchmark value of 1 for ease of excavatability.
Batch generation in ready mix trucks was the best method for generating this CJFill-UW. Foam’s sprayed into the drum upon arrival at the site, then the drum blends the slurry & foam as it rotates. The blended CJFill-UW discharges via the chute directly into the placement area. Aerix Industries supplied the preformed foam.
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Lightweight Temporary Dam Foundation
The Job
This lightweight temporary dam foundation installation was part of flood proofing project a nuclear power plant. The temporary dam can be quickly installed between two large structures in the case of anticipated storm surge. This is to keep flood waters from inundating a sensitive area.
The Challenge
The cooling water pipes for a reactor pass under where the dam goes in the case of a predicted flood. If placed, the dam exceeds the design load of the underlying cooling pipes.
The Solution
The designer elected to excavate 3′ of fill from above the pipes and replace it with 25lb/cuft CJFill-UL . Removing 3′ of 120lb/cuft material and replacing it with 3′ of 25lb/cuft, reduces dead load by roughly 275lb/sqft. The 25lb/cuft material can float, however. So, to address buoyancy, given the minimal cover (2″ of asphalt), geogrid cast into surrounding high density flowable fill acts as a hold down.
CJGeo poured the lightweight temporary dam foundation in two lifts. To void being in a cold joint, the geogrid was placed on sewer bricks. This ensures at least 6″ of embedment in the top layer of CJFill. To assess the readiness of the CJFill-Ultra Lightweight for paving, CJGeo cast a test slab for the customer to run heavy equipment over prior to loading the production area.
This was the first project where CJGeo utilized geogrid for buoyancy control of cellular concrete.
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BNA Culvert Abandonment
The Job
As part of a Nashville International Airport’s BNA Vision project, several hundred feet of culvert needed to be filled with grout. The culvert abandonment work is part of installing a new drainage system to accommodate a new terminal.
The Challenge
Due to long runs with no intermediate access, the engineer specified cellular concrete as the abandonment grout. Access to the site was across an active taxiway, so the fewest deliveries possible was very important. The minimum design requirements were:
- 28 day compressive strength minimum = 100psi
- maximum wet cast density = 35lb/cuft
The Solution
To address the need to limit the number of deliveries, CJGeo performed the culvert abandonment using CJFill-UL . CJFill-UL is batched onsite directly from bulk cement. By using bulk cement onsite, there were no concerns about hot loads of ready mix. A single semi was able to deliver all the raw material for the placement.
Each of the runs on this project is greater than 250LF. By using highly mobile grout, there are no questions about the pipes being completely full. CJFill-UL is so mobile it will flow by gravity up to a few hundred feet. The material is always pumped. This allows for placement from either the high or low end of individual runs. Because the density of the material is very low, it takes very little additional pressure to place from the low end.
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Parsippany Annular Space Grouting
The Job
This Parsippany annular space grouting project is part of a microtunneled installation of 48″ sanitary line in two runs under an interstate. Each tunnel is 60″ diameter, one was 725LF, the other 530LF. They shared a shaft. The project’s goal is to replace an aging stretch of large diameter gravity sewer that runs parallel to the interstate.
The Challenge
The owner specified a grouted annular space for the tunnels. The long pumping distance and relatively tight annulus drove the need for a highly mobile, lightweight grout.
Cellular grout is advantageous for annular space grouting because:
- it’s primarily air, so takes little energy (pressure) to pump, which virtually eliminates risk of damaging the carrier pipe(s) during grouting
- it’s significantly lower density than traditional grouts, which reduces the buoyancy of carrier pipe(s)
- cellular grout is made onsite, reducing risk exposures from the ready mix supply chain when mosts placements are “you only get once chance to do this right” type of jobs
The Solution
CJGeo placed 270CY of 35lb/cuft CJFill-ST (36ksf unconfined compressive strength) cellular grout to fill the annulus on both tunnels. Because the shared shaft wasn’t easily accessible, grouting was performed from each end towards the shared shaft over two back to back days.
CJGeo used onsite dry batching to generate the cellular grout for this Parsippany annular space grouting project. Dry batch generation uses bulk cement, eliminating risks associated with the ready mix supply chain. Cellular grout made using the dry batch process is also much higher quality, which allows CJGeo to get higher strengths with lower densities. This lowers pumping pressure, buoyancy, and costs.
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