
Cellular Concrete Projects

By applying unique solutions to increase the safety and longevity of our environment.

Lightweight MSE Wall Backfill

The Job

This MSE wall lightweight backfill project is located near Chester, Virginia. The MSE wall is part of a ramp reconfiguration and lengthening project at the interchange of Rt 10 and Interstate 95. Specifically, this ramp is from westbound Rt 10 to northbound Interstate 95.

As part of the ramp lengthening and realignment, the ramp needed to shift out onto an existing embankment.

The Challenge

There was insufficient right of way to widen the embankment without acquiring additional right of way. In order to shift the road without acquiring additional land, the geotechnical engineer of record, Schnabel Engineering, recommended to building a mid-slope MSE wall. The wall design includes a lightweight reinforced and retained zone to eliminate any net change in load. Effectively, when the slope is notched for the MSE wall construction, the difference in fill density allows for increased height.

The Solution

The existing soils were rough 125lb/cuft, and the CJFill-Ultra Lightweight backfill is 30lb/cuft. This allows for two additional feet of fill depth for every foot of undercutting. The final MSE wall lightweight backfill design included a 140psi minimum 28 day compressive strength (ASTM C495).

It took three lifts to backfill the wall, which was at most eight feet tall, and roughly 150 feet long. A composite drain on the slope addresses and water migration through the soil slope, and ties into a gravel bed at the base of the CJFill-UL load reducing fill.

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Detroit Michigan Annular Space Grouting

The Job

This Detroit Michigan annular space grouting project is located near Van Dyke Avenue & 8 Mile Road. The project owner is Great Lakes Water Authority, and the project is part of the PCI-4 rehabilitation.

The Challenge

As part of the rehabilitation of this large diameter sewer, three different liner systems had to be installed. The longest section of single liner type is approximately 800 linear feet. The concrete sewer’s inner diameter is approximately 17.5 feet. The outer diameter of the liner that the installer subcontracted the annular space grouting to CJGeo on is approximately 16.5 feet.

Based on the theoretical average inside diameter of the existing sewer, the annulus is almost exactly one cubic yard per linear foot.

The Solution

The pipe runs at full charge at least once per day, so there was a high likelihood of accumulated water in the annulus. To displace this water and ensure consistent bearing of the pipe, CJGeo proposed 75lb/cuft CJFill-Under Water. While this density of CJFill cellular grout significantly exceeds the 300psi at 28 day compressive strength requirement, it facilitates displacing solids from the annulus.

To help manage buoyancy, once the first lift was in place, the wet cast density of the cellular concrete on this Detroit Michigan annular space grouting project was reduced to 45lb/cuft CJFill-Standard. Reducing the wet cast density significantly reduces uplift, which allows taller lifts.

CJGeo used an onsite dry mix batch plant to generate the cellular concrete and pump it up to five hundred feet in the sewer line.

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Michigan Pipe Abandonment

The Job

This Michigan pipe abandonment project is located in Grand Rapids, Michigan. As part of the Coldbrook Pumping Station decommissioning project, 2250LF of 48″ pipe, and 2300LF of 60″ pipe were specified for grout filling.

The Challenge

The primary challenge for the general contractor on this project was the sheer volume of abandonment grouting. The project also had a significant amount of smaller diameter pipe, but it was in shorter runs, so was easy for them to self-perform with flowable fill.

The Solution

CJGeo proposed using 25lb/cuft CJFill-Ultra Lightweight cellular concrete. CJFill-Ultra Lightweight can be pumped thousands of feet per placement. This eliminates the need for most intermediate access points. Placement points on this project were in the driveway of a fire station, next to a new riverwalk project, and also on the grounds of the pumping station.

Grand Rapids featured
CJGeo 200CY/hour grout plant onsite making CJFill-Ultra Lightweight cellular grout to fill the pipes.

CJGeo mobilized a dry batch cellular grout plant to the site, and made around 200 cubic yards per hour of CJFill-Ultra Lightweight to finish this Michigan pipe abandonment project. Each run was up to 2500 feet long at a time. The abandonment work took five days onsite. By utilizing on site dry batching, a snow storm and cold overnight temperatures did not affect the work.

After the crew was completed with this work, they moved to Detroit to perform annular space grouting on a 17′ diameter CSO outfall structure.

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New Jersey Pipe Abandonment

The Job

This New Jersey pipe abandonment project is located in northern New Jersey. First, the general contractor installed a new force main by micro tunneling. After the the new micro tunneled force main was in service, the existing force main had to have grout filling. The pipe is 24″, and about 6300 feet long.

The Challenge

The pipes ran underneath an existing roadway, so digging access points for flowable fill installation would have been expensive, time consuming, and disruptive to traffic. The general contractor recommended CJFill Low Density Controlled Low Strength Material (LD-CLSM) as an alternative to the controlled low strength material that the township typically uses.

In addition to the old force main abandonment, a wet well structure also required abandonment. The original plan was to use flowable fill, however there were concerns about inducing settlement if the fill material was heavy.

The Solution

CJGeo proposed using 25lb/cuft CJFill-Ultra Lightweight cellular concrete. CJFill-Ultra Lightweight can be pumped thousands of feet per placement. This eliminates the need for most intermediate access points.

CJGeo mobilized a dry batch cellular grout plant to the site, and made around 150 cubic yards per hour of CJFill-Ultra Lightweight to finish this New Jersey pipe abandonment project. Each run was up to 2500 feet long at a time. The abandonment work took two days onsite, with the preformed foam supplied by Aerix Industries. After the abandonment grouting was done, the CJGeo crew did the wet well abandoning work with 25lb/cuft CJFill-Ultra Lightweight.

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New Jersey Lightweight Fill

The Job

This New Jersey lightweight fill project is located in Secaucus, New Jersey. It’s part of a two building, wood framed multifamily structure over a concrete podium. The site is located very close to the Hudson River, so the underlying soils are poor, and there is a high likelihood of future flooding. As a result, the ground was improved using rammed aggregate piers, but then needed to be brought up approximately 2′ above existing grade.

The Challenge

Rammed aggregate piers were only able to improve the site soils so much. To avoid the costs of rigid inclusions or piles, the design team had to reduce the load applied by the backfill needed to elevate the site. The maximum unit weight was 30lb/cuft, and because of potential flooding, the material had to be permeable, in order to reduce uplift potential.

The Solution

CJGeo proposed using 25lb/cuft CJFill-High Permeability to backfill the stem walls, to bring the building pad up approximately two feet. 25lb/cuft CJFill-HP is provides excellent bearing capacity, but is hand excavatable.

Hand excavatability was important on this project. There was extensive under slab plumbing required, and the lightweight fill couldn’t impede on its installation. A great advantage of 25lb/cuft CJFill-HP is that it provides a clean, stable working surface that easily supports mini and mid-size excavators.

CJGeo mobilized a wet batch cellular concrete plant crew to the site. The crew used silt fence to break the roughly 80 thousand square foot pour into roughly 150CY placements. Each individual pour on this New Jersey lightweight fill project allowed the plumbing contractor to drive their mini excavators on it the following day. The plumbers enjoyed the clean, dry working surface.

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Pennsylvania Pipe Abandonment

The Job

This Pennsylvania pipe abandonment project is located at a drinking water reservoir near York, Pennsylvania. As part of a dam reconstruction, the existing outfall pipe was specified for grouted abandonment.

The Challenge

The existing outfall pipe is 48″ cast iron pipe, and approximately 200 feet long. The pipe passes approximately 45 feet below the crest of the earthen embankment, concrete core dam structure. To ensure that the pipe would not serve as a conduit for water after abandonment, the specification calls for cellular grout with a maximum permeability of 1×10-6 centimeters per second.

During design, there were concerns about leaks in the pipe draining out some of the cellular concrete after placement stopped, but before it reached initial set. To address this, a secondary grouting program using chemical grout was designed to top off any void volume in the outfall pipe after the cellular grout set.

The Solution

CJGeo proposed using 60lb/cuft CJFill-Standard cellular grout for the abandonment. 60lb/cuft CJFill-ST exceeds the minimum compressive strength requirement, and has less than 1×10-6 cm/sec permeability.

CJGeo mobilized a dry batch cellular grout plant to the site to complete this Pennsylvania pipe abandonment project. The crew performed the grouting in fewer than two hours. The dry batch plant generates the 60lb/cuft cellular grout onsite directly from bulk cement powder.

Placement was through sacrificial grout pipes installed by the general contractor. The GC also constructed masonry bulkheads on both ends of the structure.

Exploratory holes drilled in the bulkheads the following day confirmed uniform fill, and no need for the secondary grouting work.

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Michigan Water Main Abandonment

The Job

This Michigan water main abandonment project is located in Saginaw, Michigan. It is a 2900LF of 8″ grout fill abandonment for the local municipality.

The Challenge

The utility contractor who installed the replacement water main was required to fill the old pipe with grout after tying in the new pipe. Because of the relatively small diameter, they were going to have to dig approximately 15 access holes if they used traditional flowable fill. The contractor really didn’t want to have to do that. So, they sought a highly mobile grout that would eliminate the need for digging access points.

The Solution

CJGeo proposed using CJFill-Ultra Lightweight cellular grout for this Michigan water main abandonment. Because the project volume is approximately 40 cubic yards. CJGeo proposed using wet batch generation, with a local ready mix provider supplying the raw slurry.

Wet batch generation is well suited for projects like this because the volume of slurry required is much less than a full load of cement. The equipment for wet batch generation is very portable–typically just two pickup trucks, one pulling a 20′ trailer with equipment. Aerix Industries supplied the preformed foam.

Confirmation of fill for this Michigan water main abandonment project was material venting a fire hydrant at the far end of the placement. Pumping pressures were less than 20psi for the duration of the grouting process.

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Texas Annular Space Grouting

The Job

This Texas annular space grouting project is located in Lockhart, Texas. It is a 42″ water pipeline for the Alliance Regional Water Authority.

The Challenge

The annular space grouting for this tunnel was specified for cellular concrete (sometimes called low density controlled low strength material). The minimum allowable compressive strength was 300psi at 28 days, when tested according to ASTM C495. The 42″ treated water pipeline was installed inside of a 60″ casing pipe.

The tunnel was approximately 460LF, and crossed under a frontage road and Texas State Highway 130, about 20 miles south of Austin.

The Solution

CJGeo proposed using onsite dry batch generation to make the cellular grout onsite. This has a few advantages over using ready mix (wet batch generation):

  • purchasing cement directly from a cement plant bypasses ready mix plant’s cement allocation limits
  • bulk material doesn’t go bad onsite

CJGeo used a relatively high water:cement ratio to account for temperatures of 105 degrees during the placement and generation. This helped to ensure that material did not prematurely set during placement, and allowed CJGeo to generate and place all of the 40lb/cuft CJFill-Standard cellular grout material in just three hours.

Confirmation of fill for this Texas annular space grouting project was material venting from the 12 o’clock vent on the far end of the tunnel. Pumping pressures were less than 15psi for the duration of the grouting process.

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Nashville Annular Space Grouting

The Job

This Nashville annular space grouting project is located at Nashville’s Central WWTP, which is undergoing extensive improvements to provide service to a growing population.

The Challenge

As part of an upgrade, 400LF of 66″ pipe was slip lined. Once the carrier pipe was selected, the space around its 57.1″ OD needed to be filled.

The Solution

CJGeo proposed using CJFill-ST at 45lb/cuft for this Nashville annular space grouting project. CJFill-ST is batched onsite directly from bulk cement, eliminating supply chain issues with ready mix.

Because the selected CJFill-ST only weigh 45lb/cuft, buoyancy control of the new carrier is simple. By filling it with water, it won’t float during grouting. This allowed CJGeo to grout the entire annulus in a single lift. Single lift grouting significantly reduces the likelihood of partial fills, fouled injection tubing, or trapped voids.

A CJGeo crew placed the 87CY of CJFill-ST in less than an hour to perform this Nashville annular space grouting project. CJFill-ST can be made two ways; wet batch or dry batch. With wet batch, a ready mix truck brings the base slurry to the site, and the foam is either added to the truck, or injected downstream of a pump. For dry batch generation, which was used here, a mobile batch plant mixes the cement and water onsite. The mixing quality using dry batch is significantly better than wet batch.

This project had a relatively high compressive strength requirement due to new foundation installation adjacent to the slip lined pipe. With cellular concrete, there are two ways to increase compressive strength–increase the cement content by increasing the density, or increasing the quality of the mix. Since annular space grouting projects are very sensitive to carrier pipe buoyancy control, increasing mix quality is a better option than increasing density. CJGeo’s three mobile batch plants all use high shear colloidal mixing. Colloidally generated material can have 28 day strengths up to two times ready mix batched material at the same density & cement content.

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Pit Fill With Lightweight Flowable Fill

The Job

An abandoned water treatment plant at a federal facility was being rehabilitated and brought back into service. As part of the project, lightweight flowable fill was needed to fill a 12′ deep tank below the building floor needed to be filled before installing a new floor and equipment.

The Challenge

The majority of the pit is below ground water level. The original foundation design used a 62PCF fill density for the pits, presuming they would only ever hold water.

The backfill material also needed to completely encase a number of new micropiles installed for machine bases.

The designer had two competing interests–given the closeness of the water table to finish floor, avoid any buoyancy of the fill material, while using the lightest possible material to avoid inducing any settlement.

The Solution

CJGeo proposed filling the pit with CJFill-UW, at 70lbs/cuft. At 70lb/cuft, there are no uplift concerns, and the material is just barely denser than water, which helps minimize the amount of anticipated settlement. To help ensure future excavatability, CJGeo used a sanded base slurry (as opposed to the usual neat mix slurry) to generate 830CY of lightweight flowable fill material. The 28 day design strength was 150psi. The average 28 day tested compressive strength was 200psi. The removability modulus of the material is 0.75, which means the material is readily excavatable.

Traditional “lightweight” flowable fill is closer to 95lb/cuft. At 150psi, 95lb/cuft material has a removability modulus of 1.18. This is above ACI’s benchmark value of 1 for ease of excavatability.

Batch generation in ready mix trucks was the best method for generating this CJFill-UW. Foam’s sprayed into the drum upon arrival at the site, then the drum blends the slurry & foam as it rotates. The blended CJFill-UW discharges via the chute directly into the placement area. Aerix Industries supplied the preformed foam.

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