The Job
This Maryland concrete lifting project is located in Frederick, Maryland. The project is for the MARC system, on tracks also used by CSX.
The Challenge
MARC’s Brunswick Line includes a spur to Frederick, which utilizes a freight track that also serves multiple industrial sites, including quarries and concrete plants. As it winds through an industrial area towards the Frederick station, the line crosses multiple arterial roadways. As Frederick grows, traffic is increasing significantly with both cars and industrial truck traffic.
At two crossings, bellies have developed in the precast modular grade crossings. Water collects at the low spots, which then reduces bearing capacity of the base, causing deterioration of the adjacent asphalt pavement. This deterioration causes spalling of the panels, and ride quality problems for motorists.
The Solution
CJGeo’s rail grouting experience includes dozens of precast modular grade crossing stabilization projects. Working with the rail system’s on-call MOW contractor, a CJGeo polyurethane grouting crew grouted each of the two crossings in a day, each.
CJGeo uses CJGrout 48NHL, which is specifically formulated for high dynamic load applications. 48NHL provides multiple factors of safety from a compressive strength perspective, but is slightly elastomeric, which makes it much more durable than mudjacking or traditional cementitious pressure grouting grouts sometimes used to stabilize modular grade crossings on a temporary basis.
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